Part of a series I created back in college (4 years ago) and recently included in the exhibition ‘Diagnosis’ at The Musgrove Gallery, Art for Life, Musgrove Park Hospital, Parkfield Drive, Taunton, Somerset TA1 5DA.
This series was inspired after a visit to the ‘Shadow Catchers’ exhibition at the V&A in 2010. The works of Susan Derges, Pierre Cordier, Floris Neususs, Garry Fabian Miller and Adam Fuss, generated a desire to explore photographic techniques without a camera.
Plants were placed on black and white light sensitive paper and sealed in boxes, and left for a number of weeks to enable the plants’ natural chemicals to react with the surface of the paper. To be presented with colours such as blues, yellows, browns and even metallic sheens of copper, gold and bronze, was unexpected!
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